- hi anne how was your Literature lesson today ?
=it was just great ! i realy enjoy this lesson ! its one of my favarite! how about you david? do you like it??
-well ...
-wait let me tell you how he likes it !! buy the way hi im jane daves sister !
-oh ! hi david didnt tell that he has a sister ! nice to meet you!
-nice to meet you too ! oh i was talking about him he is not a real fan of Literature but iam !
- ohh! how is your favarite writer?
-they are alot of them ! it takes too much time to count and tell them to you !
-i undrastand you ! do you know any thing about fameus russian writer Pushkin !
-yeah ! we just talked about him at last lesson! his one of my favarite though!
-girls arent you tired of these converscion?
- ohh ! sorry dave i already forget that you are here too!
плюсы. 1. работает круглосуточно. 2. не требует зарплаты. 3. можно дать пинка если что. 4. без проблем готов выполнять скучную и монотонную работу. 5. готов выполнять любые операции в рамках своих функциональных пвозможностей. 6. делает быстро. 7. делает качественно. 8. делает точно. 9. силен и вынослив. 10. не требует больничных. минусы. 1. не требуя зарплаты активно жрет энергоресурсы. 2. с ним не поговорить по душам. 3. покурить с ним тож не получится. 4. выпить тем более. 5. если что "до получки" одолжить не сможет. 6. тупая машина, которая способна выполнять только заданную программы. 7. кроме пожирания энергии еще и обслуживание с расходными материалами требует. 8. если сломается - владелец сядет жозенько на бабосы. 9. для обучения требует программера, который способен задать алгоритм действий. 10. если попасть в зону его дейтсвия, можно схлопотать манипулятором по голове, ели еще куда нибудь, а ему пофигу.
1. working around the clock.
2. does not require a salary.
3. you can give a kick if that.
4. no problems ready to perform boring and monotonous work.
5. ready to perform any operations within their functional vozmozhnostey.
6. makes quickly.
7. makes high quality.
8. makes exactly.
9. physically strong and hardy.
10. does not require sick leave.
1. not demanding salary actively eats energy.
2. talk with him heart to heart.
3. smoke with him identity will not work.
4. to drink even more.
5. if that "payday" to borrow can not.
6. dumb machine that can only run specified programs.
7. in addition to devouring energy and maintenance with consumables required.
8. if you break down - owner will sit arsenico babosy.
9. for training requires a programmer who is able to set sequence of actions.
10. if you get to the area applicable, it is possible to obtain a manipulator on the head, ate something, and he do not care.
b) beautiful
c) snowy
d) famous