1. We went to the restaurant by / on foot.
2. A: Yesterday at school we did a brilliant
experiment / invention!
B: Wow, that's cool / horrible.
3. The sailors were very crowded / excited when
they reached the coast.
4. The trip / voyage to the museum was interesting.
5. Don't eat that! It's poisonous / safe.
6. My aunt Julia got born / married in 2008.
7. The water in the swimming pool was a bit cold,
but I didn't hope / mind.
8. I need to speak to Mr Noland immediately. It's
important / incredible.
[ðə ˈkæpɪtl ɒv juːˈkreɪn ɪz ˈkiːɛf].
[ɪt ɪz ə bɪg ˈsɪti. mɔː ðæn θriː ˈmɪljən ˈpiːpl lɪv ðeə].
[ˈkiːɛf ɪz ˈsɪtjʊeɪtɪd ɒn ðə Dnipro, ðə meɪn ju(ː)ˈkreɪnjən ˈrɪvə].
[wɛn juː gəʊ ɒn ðə ˈbrɪʤɪz ˈəʊvə ðə Dnipro juː kæn ədˈmaɪə ðə ˈbjuːti ɒv ðɪs ˈrɪvə].
[Khreshchatyk ɪz ðə meɪn striːt ɪn ˈkiːɛf].
1 Столица Украины-Киев.
2 Это большой город. Там живет более трех миллионов человек.
3 Киев расположен на Днепре, главной украинской реке.
4 Когда вы идете по мостам через Днепр, вы можете любоваться красотой этой реки.
5 Крещатик - главная улица Киева.