Memorial day
I have always loved dogs, but my parents constantly told me that I was not responsible enough to have them. One day I decided to raise enough money to buy a puppy for myself. Last September I had the required amount and found a puppy on the Internet. That same evening, I agreed on a place and time to meet with the seller. In the morning, I told my parents that I needed to see a friend, but instead I went to the market and bought the dog from my dreams. My parents were surprised but happy. My feelings are still too difficult to express. I'm not just happy. Moreover, I know I am responsible enough to take care of the puppy.
Перепеши код на этот:
m, h = map(int, input("-").split('-'))
t, h = map(int, input("*").split('*'))
c, d = map(int, input("/").split('/'))
k, p = map(int, input("+").split('+'))
print(k, '+', p, '=', p+k, end= '\n');
print(m, '-', h,'=', m-h, end='\n');
print(t, '*', h, '=', t*h, end='\n');
print(c, '/', d,'=',c/d)
Сначала вводишь две цифры, к-е нужно вычесть, например: 3-2 (так и пиши при запуске. С тире). Затем так же с умножением, делением, прибавлением. В конце программа тебе вычислит все, что ты ей дал.