2 va
The power of a word
power of a word
Lesson review
Read the text about the outstanding Kazakh poet and philosopher Abay Kunanbayev and choose the best
answer to the questions. 1)
The power of a word
Abay Kunanbayev
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
2 Task 5
3 Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Task 9
This year Kazakhstan and the whole world celebrated the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev.
Abay is a well-known Kazakh poet, philosopher, composer, a great thinker, and the founder of Kazakh
literature. He was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz mountain located in Eastern Kazakhstan
region (former Semipalatinsk region). The real name of the poet was Ibrahim. The person who made
an influence on his creativity was his grandmother Zere. She was the person who called the poet
Abay, and this name became famous around the world.
Abay is a historic person. His works will live forever. He motivated all people to have education, to
learn new knowledge and skills.
Abay Kunabayev is the author of about 170 poems. Some of them were translated into many
languages. The Book of Words which consists of 45 essays cover the problems of history, pedagogy,
moral and the rights of the Kazakh people. Abay wrote about twenty melodies which are still popular
these days.
The name of Abay is known worldwide as the names of Shakespeare, Goethe and Pushkin.
Lesson result
1. What was the original name of the poet?
2. How many melodies did the composer write?
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