Teenagers are very stressful and difficult people. it causes of their harmonical activity. they are depressed and often prefer listening music instead of talking to people. as it is a time of personal growing they have problems with parents. they argue and showing themselves. the same situation with their friends. usually they fight a lot, but nothing serious happens. sometimes because of influence of other people they making wrong decisions for example start smoking or tastes alcohol. but with patient of parents and family they will pass this period without serious problems.
If you like home-made delicacies, then this classic home-made chocolate ice cream is exactly what you are looking for. Bring milk to the boil and add grated chocolate. Take the mixture off the heat and cool down a little. Whisk egg yolks together with sugar. We will need to add them to the chocolate mixture. Put the mixture back on the hob and boil until thickening. Stir it constantly to avoid coagulation of eggs. Run with your finger over the spoon. If traces are left that means that the consistency is right. Pour the mixture into the moulds and put them into the freezer for 2 hours. We used plastic cups. Use cups as moulds or serve your ice cream like this. You can pour some syrup over ice cream.