A Lion - a beautiful and poverful animal. In many cultures, the lion is called the "king of animals" and considered the epitome of power and authority. Lions are a number of predators. They have a regal: a luxurious mane, muscular body, sharp fangs and claws The tip of the lions tail decorated with a small brush. Color can vary from light yellow to dark brown,but there are also white lions. Females are usually smaller in size, and they not have manes. These animals are found mainly in Africa and India. Ranshe they were carried out in southern Europe, the Middle East, Iran, and even in the south of Russia. They live in savannas, but can also be found in the forest. Lions from a special family groups - pride. They hunt, they also group together in pursuit of prey. The favorite pray of lions - wildebeest, zedra, and buffalo. надеюсь Ведь потратила очень много своего времени (
My favorite superhero is Iron man. His real name is Tony Stark. He is very smart, brave and funny. Tony has the iron suit, which was constructed by himself. Iron man takes a part in Avengers team with Hulk, Captain America, Thor and others. Tony is a superhero because he saves a world few times.
Мой любимый супергерой - Железный человек. Его настоящее имя - Тони Старк. Он очень умен, отважен и весел. У Тони есть железный костюм, который сконструировал он сам. Железный человек - часть команды Мстителей вместе с Халком, Капитаном Америкой, Тором и другими. Тони - супергерой, потому что он мир несколько раз.
3. 1) is spoken
2) was built
3) is being repaired
4) hasn't been found
5) will be opened
1) Mrs Clark is being helped with her housework.
2) That beautiful ring was given Elizabeth by John.
3) Next Monday my computer will be delivered.
4) Tonny have been offered a better job.
5) Our students are taught English and French.
6) Jane had been invited before being told the truth.
7) The emails should be sent to the head office.