1. Does my working day last 8 hours?
Does my working day last 8 or 9 hours?
How many hours does my working day last?
2. Did they discuss a lot of articles on economics yesterday?
Did the discuss a lot of articles of economics or politics yesterday?
What articles did they discuss yesterday?
3. Will I do the work in 2 days?
Will I do the work into 2 or 4 days?
When will I do the work?
4.Are they writing a test now?
Are they writing test or an article now?
What are they doing now?
5. Has he been to the USA lately?
Has he been to the USA or Singapore lately?
Where has he been lately?
you your yours
Mary her hers
Andy and Sally their theirs
Mike his his
Mark and i our ours
Susan and Kate their theirs
Helen her hers
the dog its its
Jim and you your yours