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I've been home educated all my life and I absolutely love it! My mum teaches me, and twice a year the local school sends teachers to check that I»m learning properly. Home schooling is becoming popular for different reasons. Some parents believe that their children will learn better at home than in the classroom full of pupils others because the school is too far form their homes. Besides some children have health or social problems and they stay at home.Home schooling has a lot of advantages, for example when things are easy I go faster, and when they are difficult I slow down. I feel much comfortable at home. The only thing that can be a problem is that I don't have many friends.
Already in the dark, according to the coordinates, we turned off the highway and parked the car in a small Parking lot. According to the map, the ancient settlement should have been only a few hundred meters away. I couldn't believe it.There won't be many night photos.
In the beginning, we go through the desert. We notice the first pieces of tile. In wild delight, I begin to collect them. There is a lot of glazed — obviously, not from the "night lights". We see a vertical object, a couple of meters wide. Piece of wall. It was once a house. As we found out later, these are the remains of villas and private houses that surrounded the settlement. In this desert, gardens bloomed everywhere and there was greenery..
We went further, in the dark. crossing the railway line. We still see the remains of houses, blocks of sand walls have long been destroyed by time, and it is impossible to judge the height of buildings. Suddenly, a huge black wall loomed ahead. There was no end to it. We were getting closer and closer. And finally they saw him.The City Of Sauran.This is how he appeared to us that night.