Запиши в тетрадь не менее 2 предложений о каждом 5 названий. 1)Royal palaces London 2)Royal parks in London 3)King Henry VIII 4) Queen Elizabeth I 5)Queen Victoria
1. Какие реформы сделал Михаил Горбачев начнется в 1980-е годы и почему? 2. Какие положительные и отрицательные эффекты ли реформа есть? 3. Какая связь между реформой Горбачева и мирного про- цесса в мире? 4. Что вы знаете о холодной войне? 5. Каким образом реформа Горбачева влиять на политические изменения в Европе? 6. Что вы знаете о двух Германий и их воссоединение? 7. Как вы видите будущее Европы? Являются ли все европейские страны, скорее всего, объединиться? Каковы плюсы и минусы такого объединения? 8. Что вы знаете о Европейском Союзе? Почему она была создана? Какие европейские страны присоединились к ней и которые не имеют? Не могли бы вы
Привет)) One of the most mysterious places not only in the Kaliningrad region, but throughout Russia, Dancing Forest is on the Curonian Spit. In people, this forest is called "Drunk" and all because here coniferous tree trunks bent bizarre zigzags and loops, and there is no explanation for this phenomenon. More precisely, they have a few, but which of them is reliable - is unknown. The most incredible explanation given fans of paranormal phenomena - supposedly in this place was the portal connecting the parallel worlds, the energy ring is made trunks to bend, then it closed, and then the trees began to grow normally. Scientists have also attempted to explain the strange behavior of the trees on the Curonian Spit. Supporters of bioenergetic theory believe that this place has the strongest cosmic energy, which "hunching" trunks. Other versions of the more mundane - one of them was the cause of damage to young trees, butterflies, leaf rollers, which lay their eggs in the apical bud sprouts, resulting in a tree begins to fasten its growth due to the lateral buds, hence the curvature. According to another theory, at this point are the strongest geomagnetic field also suggests that the soil here has been treated by some chemical substance as next was a German gliding school. Well, the last theory is concerned with the movements of the sand - precisely in this region the soil is particularly mobile and the young trees to grow, as expected, up, always had to dodge, until they reached a certain age and strengthened in the soil thoroughly and reliably.