1having been cautioned--Perfect Participle Passive,выполняет функцию обстоятельства причины. "Так как он был предупреждён заранее, он не совершил преступление."
2arresting--Participle 1 Active в функции обстоятельства. "Арестовывая человека в связи с серьёзным правонарушением полиция может задерживать его до 36 часов."
3requiring--Participle 1 в функции определения. "В магазине произошёл непрятный инцидент,требующий вмешательства полиции."
4making--Participle 1 в функции определения. "Полицейский, ведущий расследование, опросил всех свидетелей."
5 having brought--Perfect Participle Active в функции обстоятельства времени. "Предъявив уголовное обвинение, полиция передала документы в Королевскую уголовную прокуратуру."
How deep is the conflict between the older and the younger generation, and is it limited it is only a dissimilar taste in music, fashion and behavior? In fact, the reasons for the lack of mutual understanding are much more complicated and are explained, as a rule, by the ardent desire of adults to protect children from mistakes and disappointments.
Having their life experience behind them, parents more clearly see the potential dangers confronting a frivolous teenager, more thoughtfully realize the consequences of his wrong behavior in those or other cases. But in every possible way protecting his offspring from the harsh realities of life, adults thereby deprive him of his own experience, substituting him for his own. Whether they act in the interests of good and altruism, or authoritatively impose their decision - the result is one, and disagreements invariably lead to rather acute and long-term conflicts. Of course, it is unfair to blame the situation for adults only, since teenagers, alas, are their hot-tempered disposition and lack of respect can exacerbate relations to the limit, not paying too much attention to the comments of parents and treating them as an unfortunate interference in their own lives.
But the greatest complexity of this sample emy is, perhaps, in its inescapable. After all, even deeply and thoroughly knowing the nature of the conflict, it is hardly possible to reconcile a balanced and judicious older generation with an explosive and disobedient youth.