Let me tell you about my hobbies! My favourite type of music is rock. I don't play any musical instrument, but I like to listen to music. And I sing well. All my friends are fond of rock music, too. Our dream is to form a rock band and to invite you all to our conert. My hobby is looking after my pets. I have lots of them One of my relatives wanted to get rid of his goldfish. Now they live in my flat. But one of my favourite pets is a little hamster. It was sick when I took him from my friend. Now it's fine. And it gets along/on with all other pets.
ответ: вроде так но несуди строго
ответ: Новым жильцам показали 3-х комнатную квартиру, уже готовую к проживанию.
were shown Passive voice Past Simple
2 Я занимаюсь строительством много лет.
have been Active voice, Present Perfect
3 Обычное пятиэтажное здание строится за 3 мeсяца. is assembled Passive voice. Present Simple
4 Мы уже обсудили все во когда он пришел на совещание
have discussed Active voice, Past Perfect в главном предложении,
в придаточном came Past Simple, active voice.