Я объясню, как это работает, но если что, ответы внизу.
Возьмем что-нибудь вроде "It isn't bad, is it?". Мы берем глагол (isn't), от которого идет вопрос к субъекту (I), и меняем его на противоположную форму - если бы в начале было is, в конце было бы isn't. После этого приставляем местоимение, которое используем для субъекта - например, "Dogs are cute, aren't they?" - для dogs мы используем местоимение "they", потому что там третье лицо множественное число, и так далее. Если глагол не do, can, could, would, will, should, must, etc. - берем do: "Rabbits eat grass, don't they?".
1. Recycling isn't that hard, is it?
2. Camels live in the desert, don't they?
3. Sarah didn't collect the cans and newspapers, did she?
4. Sarah has called her mum, hasn't she?
5. Gorillas are amazing animals, aren't they?
6. It can't be true, can it?
I want to visit London since:
1. London is a capital of Great Britain.
2. This city is a historical place.
3. There are so many sights it London!
4. The most popular clock in London is Big Ben.
5. If you are in this wonderful city you have to visit Buckingham Palace.
6. All the most exciting moments you will know there.
7. London has many different shops.
8. If I am in London, I would like to visit Harrods.
9. Long time ago this shop was a small store and now is a big shop.
10. There are many exciting places you may visit in London.
11. I like London because this city is full of adventages!
2. He goes at the lake every day.
3. She doesn’t like school.
4. We don’t like our university.
5. Does he go there every month?
6. Do they drink coffee at 2:30 pm?