в наше время много детей стало проявлять внимание компьютеру. он заменил реальное общение на улице в виртуальное,возле компьютера. вредность от компьютера велика,но без него тоже нельзя.в отличие от многих людей, я отношусь к компьютеру позитивно. это — величайшее изобретение человечества! люди создали универсальную машину, с которой можно делать сто дел: читать, смотреть кино, рисовать, печатать, чертить, считать, находить полезную информацию, делать ретушь фотографи
nowadays a lot of children was to attend a computer. he replaced the real communication outside the virtual , near a computer . harmfulness of the computer is very large, but without it , too nelzya.v unlike many people , i am very positively to the computer . this is - the greatest invention of mankind! people have created a universal machine that allows you to do one hundred cases : reading, watching movies , drawing, print , draw , count , find useful information , do retouch photos, create a
I must eat vegetables.-Yes
I mustn't play with matches.-Yes
I must play with matches. -No
I must eat very noisy.-Yes
I must do my homework.-Yes
I must study.-Yes
They mustn’t to go to school on their holidays.
-2-You may leave.- You don't may leave.
I have to visit my grandmother.- I don't have to visit my grandmother.
He can draw.-He can not draw.
-3-When we are in the library we must be quiet.
-4-1. Can he speak English?
Yes, he can
2. May she come in?
No, she may not
3. Do you have to clean the room?
Yes, I do
-5-I must to wear a uniform when I go to the park or to the cinema.