I. 1) How fortunate! Another five minutes - and we could not get tickets. 2) You should have let us know that you can not make your message. We could postpone the discussion of these issues. 3) You could have warned me that would not come; would not have been so long you wait. 4) There is no need to go there you have been, they would themselves come. 5) You should not have to talk to him so; Yet he older than you. 6) You should have thought of that before, now it is no longer correct. 7) The expedition had to spend the winter in the Arctic, but due to adverse weather conditions had to return in January. 8) Could I ask you a few questions? 9) Can you give me advice now? 10) Do you believe them? They are likely to make fun of you.
1. amusing — Какая забавная история! 2. interested — Ты заинтересован этой историей? 3. embarrassed — Я чувствовал себя неловко. 4. amused — Я не был развлечен этой историей. 5. interesting — Я не посчитал это интересным ни в какой мере. 6. embarrassing — На самом деле, я посчитал это действительно смущающим. 7. embarrassing — Доктор задавал мне много смущающих вопросов. 8. surprised — Он выглядел очень удивленным. 9. enjoying— У него были очень приятные выходные. 10. pleasing — Погода была очень приятной.