Международные связи: член ООН, член Содружества Независимых Государств, член G-8 (Большой восьмёрки) и т.д. Торговля: со многими странами, особенно с Германией, Италией, Китаем, Украиной, Белоруссией, Финляндией, Бразилией и др.странами. Образование: около 7 миллионов студентов; более 1300 высших учебных заведений; 10000 иностранных студентов обучаются в России, половина из них в Московском государственном университете. СМИ: Голос России - на 33 языках; The Moscow Times -на английском языке ежедневно; The Moscow News - на английском языке еженедельно; Россия сегодня - международный новостной канал; язык - английский.
2 There _ b) aren’t__ any cars in the car park.
3 Karol _ b) works __ at school. He is a teacher.
4 _d) Does_ she need a car? Yes, she does.
5 _a) Where__ is Istanbul? In Turkey.
6 _b) Why_ is he unhappy? I don’t know.
7 Sarah is the champion. She _a) always_ wins.
8 Do you have _b) an__ umbrella?
9 _a) Can_ you help me, please?
10 Germany is _a) –__ bigger than Italy.
11 Iwona is _c) the__ best student in the class.
12 I _ b) have__ some chocolate in my bag.
13 How _a) much_ money is there in the bank?
14 We _ b) are living__ in Rome at the moment.
15 I _d) am not__ studying these days.
16 It c) was_ very cold yesterday.
17 I _d) couldn’t__ drive a car at six years old but now I drive all the time.
18 _a) Did_ you fly to France last year?
19 Last night I _c) ate __ spaghetti.
20 My TV is old. I _a) should_ buy another one.
21 You don’t _ b) have to_ buy a dictionary. I have one.
22 At the end of the course, we _b) will__ have an exam.
23 What are you _d) going to__ eat tonight?
24 I have never _b) seen_ that film.
25 _d) Have_ you been to Spain?
26 I _d) am not listening_ to the radio at the moment.
27 The weather is getting hotter _b) today.
28 They didn’t see David at work _c) on_ Monday.
29 Where _c) was_ the exam yesterday.
30 Julio _a) was parking__ his car when the bus hit him.
31 Did you hear the new song by the Matches on _c) the_ radio last night?
32 Osteopaths are doctors _ d) who help_ people with back problems.
33 How many exams _b) have you taken_ this year?
34 There have been eight accidents __a) in the last few days___.
35 The Copper Kettle is the _d) least expensive__ restaurant in the town. The meals are so cheap.
36 There are very _ b) many_ tomatoes in the shop. I’ll have more tomorrow.
37 There _b) might be__ rain tomorrow.
38 If you don’t revise, you _a) won’t pass__ the exam.
39 You _d) have to buy__ a ticket before you get on the train.
40 Has Mark received a letter __b) from __ the bank?
41 Old people usually _d) don’t have to__ pay to use the bus.
42 Have you ever thought _c) about becoming__ a doctor?
43 This lesson is so _c) boring__.
44 At the end of the year, the hospital _a) like __ to open a new surgery.
45 _d) Was David used to__ live in London?
46 Chicken with chocolate _c) is eaten__ by Mexican people.
47 The hotel _a) is closing__ this weekend for a wedding.
48 The Lexington Murderer _a) was released__ from prison last week.
49 How long _d) have you been studying_ for the exam this week?
50 If the newspaper sold more adverts they _d) would make__ more money.