Объяснение: Если глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на немое e, то при прибавлении -ing немое e опускается:
to give (давать) — giving, to write (писать) — writing.
2. Если глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на одну согласную букву и ей предшествует краткий гласный звук, то эта конечная согласная удваивается:
to sit (сидеть) — sitting, to swim (плавать) — swimming, to run (бегать) — running.
3. Если инфинитив оканчивается на букву l, то независимо от ударения эта буква в британском варианте удваивается:
to travel (путешествовать) — travelling, to cancel (отменять)— cancelling.
4. Если инфинитив оканчивается на -ie, то буква i опускается, а e переходит в y:
to die (умирать) — dying, to tie (связывать) — tying, to lie (лежать) — lying.
2. Грамматика
The life of Mary Quant.
Many years ago there lived a man whose stories became some of the 1) FUNNIEST stories in the world.
Now he 2) IS KNOWN as Mark Twain but his real name was Samuel Clemens. He was born in 1835 and 3) GREW up in the little town of Hannibal, Missouri.
The people in Hannibal 4) DID NOT HAVE much money. In the town lived a boy named Tom Blankenship who had no home no parents.
No one said to him that he must 5) GO to school. The children 6) ADORED him because he knew many exciting stories. When Sam 7) WAS twelve his father died.
5. GO
7. BE
I remember how my parents gave me a cool bike, I was then very glad my emotions cannot be expressed in words
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