I think that borsch can be rightfully considered the symbol of Russian and Ukrainian national cuisines. When foreigners come to a Russian restaurant, first of all, they order two dishec: pelmeni and a plate of this wonderful, hot, deep-red soup with a piece of rye bread. There is a great variety of methods of borsch cooking: in every region people use their own culinary subtleties that make this dish really special and delicious. Borsch can be cooked with or without meat, from a bone broth, with pork, beef or chicken, with lard or mushrooms, with fresh or sour cabbage. Finally, it can be cold or hot. But one fact is undisputable: this soup is the most popular first course on the territory of Russia and Ukraine.
нужна картинка из упражнения
посмотри на машины, например там пикап,почему ты его выберишь "на мой взгляд это хорошая машина, она недорогая, но качественная в ней удобный салон и тд"