One of the main functions of the administrator is the recruitment of staff. this is a rather complicated and responsible matter. after all, the sphere of public catering often attracts people unscrupulous, unclean on their hands. the task of the manager is to prevent the behavior of such a person from ruining the reputation of the whole team. there are several key factors that the manager always pays attention to: how much the applicant is willing to fulfill his future duties, whether he is interested in work as such, whether the collective will be able to work in the sphere of services and catering (which, as is well known, is not easy and physically, and psychologically). let's consider the most important moments in more detail. if we talk about the characteristics of the person, then first of all the new employee is selected so that he fit into the team, the team. after all, the success of work largely depends on the coherence of the actions of employees, their skills and the desire to help each other. often, it is impossible to predict exactly how the load will be distributed, which means that we must be able to proceed from the circumstances of the current moment. employees must trust and help each other.
Англоса́ксы (англ. Anglo-Saxons,нем. Angelsachsen, дат. Angelsakser) — историки дают это названиегерманским племенам англов исаксов, к которым примкнули и юты. Эти племена, жившие между рекамиЭльбой и Рейном (область расселения саксов) и на Ютландском полуострове (область расселения англов и ютов), в середине V века, как и многие племена Северной Европы, скорее всего, в результате климатических изменений, начали переселяться в Британию. The Anglo-Saxons (Eng. Anglo-Saxons, it. Angelsachsen, dates. Angelsakser) - historians give it nazvaniegermanskim tribes Angles Isaksen, who were supported and Utah. These tribes living between rekamiElboy and the Rhine (area of settlement of the Saxons) and on the Jutland peninsula (area of settlement of the Angles and Jutes), in the middle of the V century, and many tribes of Northern Europe, most likely as a result of climate change, began to settle in Britain.
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