Lesson 1 CW Use your English! Read the report and rearrange the letters to complete each gap. THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT Case number: 2178 Case name: The Philadelphia Experiment Date incident occurred: July-October 1943 Location: Philadelphia, USA Incident report: US naval scientists (1) ddi an experiment to make a ship, the USS Eldridge, invisible. While the scientists were (2) taghnwic what was happening from another ship, a green fog covered the Eldridge. As the fog (3) sidprdpaaee it became clear that the Eldridge had disappeared too. The scientists (4) erwe extremely pleased. After 15 minutes, they (5) ptdosep the experiment, and the Eldridge reappeared. Unfortunately, the men on the Eldridge all (6) letf ill, and didn't (7) nwko what had happened to them. A few months later, they did the experiment again, but this time they only (8) aewdtn the ship to become invisible to radar - not to the human eye. The experiment (9) netw wrong, and the ship completely disappeared again. At the same time, people hundreds of kilometres away in Virginia saw the Eldridge appear in front of them for a few minutes. It then (10) aihdvsen and reappeared in Philadelphia. This time, the sailors on the Eldridge were extremely ill, and some of them died. > place. Denial: The US Navy denies the experiment (11) otko and was 2 Conclusion: Did the Eldridge actually (12) asdiprpea it teleported to Virginia? We'll probably never know for sure. Weirdness rating: НУЖНО!) ❤️
1. Children are coming to visit Grandma and Grandpa this evening, so they need to help their mother with some chores.
2. Tommy's task is to fill the dishwasher and then wash and dry the big dishes that cannot fit in the dishwasher.
3. Tracy's task is to take out the garbage and then sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
4. Evan's task is to clean the bathroom, specifically the sink and bathtub.
5. Mother will clean the toilet and then asks Evan to help his Dad clean out the garage.
Step-by-step solution:
1. From the dialogue, we understand that Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit in the evening. Therefore, the first sentence should be "Children are coming to visit."
2. In the dialogue, the mother assigns tasks to each child. Tommy's task is to fill the dishwasher first, and then wash and dry the big dishes that cannot fit in the dishwasher. Therefore, the second sentence should be "Tommy has to wash and dry the [big dishes that can't fit in the dishwasher]."
3. Tracy's task is to take out the garbage first. Then she needs to sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Therefore, the third sentence should be "Tracy has to sweep and mop the [kitchen floor]."
4. Evan's task is to clean the bathroom. Although he doesn't want to clean the toilet, his mom suggests an alternative. He will clean the sink and bathtub, while his mom will clean the toilet. After that, Evan needs to help his Dad clean out the garage. Therefore, the fourth sentence should be "Evan has to clean the [sink and bathtub]."
5. The dialogue states that Mother will clean the toilet. Since the whole question is about chores, we can assume that the fifth sentence should be "Dad has to clean the [toilet]."
6. The sixth and final sentence asks to complete the dialogue, so it should be "Mother has to clean the [garage]."
So, the completed sentences are:
1. Children are coming to visit.
2. Tommy has to wash and dry the big dishes that can't fit in the dishwasher.
3. Tracy has to sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
4. Evan has to clean the sink and bathtub.
5. Dad has to clean the toilet.
6. Mother has to clean the garage.
Каждое утро я просыпаюсь рано, чтобы успеть сделать все свои дела. Сразу после пробуждения я встаю с кровати и отправляюсь мыться. Затем быстро одеваюсь и принимаюсь делать утренние упражнения. Во время этой физической активности я разминаю свое тело, готовясь к новому дню.
Как правило, я еду до школы на автобусе (машине, метро, троллейбусе), потому что это занимает меньше времени, чем идти пешком. Очень важно не опаздывать, поэтому я тороплюсь, чтобы не пропустить автобус.
По прибытии в школу, я сразу начинаю работать. Мой день наполнен различными заданиями и занятиями. Я учусь, перевожу тексты, вижу своих одноклассников и обсуждаю с ними учебные вопросы. Каждое занятие длится около 45 минут. У нас есть небольшие перерывы между занятиями, чтобы отдохнуть и подготовиться к следующему уроку.
Когда школьный день подходит к концу, я с нетерпением жду возможности вернуться домой. Я снова пользуюсь автобусом (машиной, метро, троллейбусом), чтобы доехать до дома. По пути домой я успеваю подумать о том, что я сделал в течение дня и что еще мне нужно сделать в ближайшем будущем.
Когда я наконец прихожу домой, я устал от напряженного дня. Однако мне нужно продолжать работать. Я делаю домашнюю работу, учусь и выполняю все задания, чтобы быть готовым к следующему дню в школе. Иногда требуется много времени и усилий, чтобы все сделать, но я стараюсь работать усердно и быть занятым.
Таким образом, моя работа весь день включает в себя утреннюю подготовку, уроки в школе, обсуждение учебных вопросов, дорогу домой и домашнюю работу. Хоть это может быть иногда утомительно, я рад, что могу получать знания и стараться стать лучше каждый день.
2. Tommy's task is to fill the dishwasher and then wash and dry the big dishes that cannot fit in the dishwasher.
3. Tracy's task is to take out the garbage and then sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
4. Evan's task is to clean the bathroom, specifically the sink and bathtub.
5. Mother will clean the toilet and then asks Evan to help his Dad clean out the garage.
Step-by-step solution:
1. From the dialogue, we understand that Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit in the evening. Therefore, the first sentence should be "Children are coming to visit."
2. In the dialogue, the mother assigns tasks to each child. Tommy's task is to fill the dishwasher first, and then wash and dry the big dishes that cannot fit in the dishwasher. Therefore, the second sentence should be "Tommy has to wash and dry the [big dishes that can't fit in the dishwasher]."
3. Tracy's task is to take out the garbage first. Then she needs to sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Therefore, the third sentence should be "Tracy has to sweep and mop the [kitchen floor]."
4. Evan's task is to clean the bathroom. Although he doesn't want to clean the toilet, his mom suggests an alternative. He will clean the sink and bathtub, while his mom will clean the toilet. After that, Evan needs to help his Dad clean out the garage. Therefore, the fourth sentence should be "Evan has to clean the [sink and bathtub]."
5. The dialogue states that Mother will clean the toilet. Since the whole question is about chores, we can assume that the fifth sentence should be "Dad has to clean the [toilet]."
6. The sixth and final sentence asks to complete the dialogue, so it should be "Mother has to clean the [garage]."
So, the completed sentences are:
1. Children are coming to visit.
2. Tommy has to wash and dry the big dishes that can't fit in the dishwasher.
3. Tracy has to sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
4. Evan has to clean the sink and bathtub.
5. Dad has to clean the toilet.
6. Mother has to clean the garage.