The first person whom Andrew SAW as he ENTERED was his old nurse. She WAS SITTING on the sofa. During the last five years she HAD CHANGED greatly and now LOOKED a very old woman. 2. She is going to read the letter she HAS just RECEIVED . 3. How long HAVE you BEEN WAITING for me? I am really very sorry. 4. Yesterday I MET a friend of mine whom I HAD NOT SEEN for a long time. 5. Ring me up at eleven o'clock, I WON"T BE SLEEPING yet. 6. You WILL BE late for the concert if you DON'T TAKE a taxi. 7. The sun SET a long time ago, and it IS BEGINNING to get really cold. 8. When I CAME home yesterday, my sister HAD already RETURNED and WAS SITTING at the fireplace looking through some old photographs. 9. He SMOKED three cigarettes and LOOKED through all the books on the shelf, when at last he HEARD his friend's steps approaching the door. Здесь можно поставить и Past Simple (как я написала) и Past Perfect. Второй вариант: He HAD SMOKED three cigarettes and HAD LOOKED through all the books on the shelf, when at last he HEARD his friend's steps approaching the door. 10. He HAD just APPROACHED the door, when she ENTERED. 11. He HAS BEEN WRITING the composition for three hours and he says he WILL soon FINISH it as he IS THINKING over the conclusion now. 12. Hardly HAD I GONE out when I REMEMBERED that I HAD FORGOTTEN to take my umbrella. (в этом предложении наблюдается такое явление как инверсия (обратный порядок сло) , то есть когда вс глагол стоит перед подлежащим, так как предложение начинается с союза) 13. Where is the baby? — The nurse HAS PUT it to bed. (няня уложила его спать) Если "укладывает спать", то время другое: The nurse IS PUTTING it to bed. Здесь решающую роль при выборе времени должен играть контекст, а поскольку его нет, то можно поставить и Present Perfect и Present Continuous в зависимости от перевода. 14. He said he HAD BEEN WORKING for a long time without achieving good results.
1. When I CAME to Pete's house last Sunday, he WAS READING a new book. He SAID he WOULD GIVE it to me soon. Today I HAVE TAKEN it from him. Now I AM READING) it. I WILL HAVE FINISHED it by Friday. If you like, I WILL GIVE it to you on Saturday when you COME to see me. 2. When will he come? We HAVE BEEN WAITING for him for already half an hour. 3. On leaving the hall the students THANKED the professor who HAD DELIVERED the lecture. 4. We already HAD COVERED about ten miles when Peter, who HAD BEEN LOOKING out of the window for the last five or ten minutes, suddenly exclaimed: «Here is the station!» 5. When morning came, the storm HAD already STOPPED, but the snow WAS still FALLING. 6. Yesterday by eight o'clock he HAD FINISHED all his homework, and when I CAME to his place at nine, he WAS READING. 7. I HAVE BEEN WAITING for permission to go abroad for already three weeks, but I HAVEN'T RECEIVED the visa yet. 8. Everybody IS at the door of the museum, but my friend HASN'T yet COME. 9. We WERE DRINKING tea when the telephone RANG. 19. Johnny noticed that everybody WAS LOOKING at him, and he FELT shy. 20. Light TRAVELS more quickly than sound.