1. How do our eating habits affect our feel?
Our eating habits affect our feeling during the day
2. How does food help us?
Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resists diseases, forms strong
teeth and bones.
3. What makes strong muscles?
meats, eggs, fish, and poultry
4. What kinds of food do you know?
There are so many kinds of food - fast food, snacks, junk food
5. What happened with the sailors in the past?
They did not get fresh food and so often suffered from a disease called scurvy.
6. What is the most important part of Russian food?
In our country, bread is an important part of our everyday food.
As far as I'm concern science is stimulus to progress. If there had not been science, people would have sat around the fire and slept on the bare ground. Exploring of space, for example, has changed our life in many and somewhat unanticipated ways.
As we have seen many times in history, science explorations bring unanticipated results. For instance, Columbus didn’t find a shorter route to Asia, but he discovered new continents!
They say, the science is a stimulus to progress; and It’s truth . So it’s difficult to overestimate the role of science in our life. ...
But every medal has its reverse. The rapid scientific progress has aroused a number of problems that are a matter of our great concern.
These are ecological problems, the safety of nuclear power stations, the nuclear war threat.
In spite of all these things science progress cannot be and will not be stopped. Science will go on -- whether we are pessimistic, or are optimistic.
“Do not worry about things you cannot change.” said Benjamin Franklin I And I completely agree with this view.
1. How do our eating habits affect our feel? Our eating habits affect our feeling during the day.
2. How does food help us? Food gives us energy, helps us to grow, resists diseases, forms strong teeth and bones.
3. What makes strong muscles? Meat, eggs, fish and poultry make strong muscles.
4. What kinds of food do you know? I know many kinds of food such as fruit, vegetables, fast food, snacks, junk food, milk and etc.
5. What happened with the sailors in the past? The sailors didn't get fresh food and so often suffered from a disease called scurvy.
6. What is the most important part of Russian food? - Bread and milk are the most important part of Russian food.