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Вчера я ходил в парк. Я (meet - met) моего лучшего друга там. Было солнечно и холодно. Мы (ski - skied) катались на лыжах в парке. Мы (play - played) играли в снежки и сделали забавного снеговика. Снеговик (look - looked) смотрел на нас и (say - said) сказал, "Привет!" Нам он очень сильно понравился.
Когда я (come - came) пришёл домой, я (have - had) пообедал. Дома я (do - did) сделал моё домашнее задание, (watch - watched) посмотрел телевизор и (draw - drew) нарисовал рисунок моего весёлого снеговика.
Я (put - put) повесил рисунок на стену. В 10 часов вечера я (go - went) пошёл в кровать (по другому - пошёл спать). Снеговик (smile - smiled) улыбнулся и (say - said) сказал, "Доброй ночи!"
Many people think that the family - it's just mom, dad, brothers, sisters and grandparents. But it seems to me that the family - these are people with whom you spend a lot of time, which you love and who love you and understand.The family with which I live is made up of three people: I, my sister and grandmother. With my grandmother, I live practically from birth. It educates and keeps me. Sister was born a little later - after two and a half years the last of me. All the time we lived together systems to understand and support each other. It's not my family. I believe that your school, or rather your class, too, is the family, at least for me exactly. At school, I spend a lot of time, communicate with teachers, classmates and best friends, of course, not the whole class is my family, not everyone can understand and support in difficult times, but still, in the class there are such people.I also think my family friends from my yard. They also support and understand me. With them, my sister and I spend a lot of time, especially during the holidays.