The internet makes our life more easier. We able to have conversations with people around the world. Nowadays a social network are popular. We can share our life with people who so far from.
I like to chat with my friends in the internet.I like to share funny video or mems. It become popular during lockdown. When we were not allowed to leave our houses. With the advent of the Internet, people started less communicate in real live. I don't know it's good or bad. Each person decide what is better for his life. We shouldn't judge them.
As for me I find to have conversation in the internet with my friends not so bad because I can be busy with home work and I don't want to miss something funny and interesting
The Marketing Department is run (Present Simple Passive) by Frank Peters. He was appointed (Past Simple Passive) the Sales Manager a year ago. He hopes (Present Simple) he will be promoted (Future Simple Passive) next year. The factory is (Present Simple) completely different now. It has been modernized and computerized (Present Perfect Passive) and a lot of people have been made (Present Perfect Passive) redundant. I couldn’t (Past Simple) use the company car because it was being repaired (Past Continuous Passive).
1 предложение: given - именная часть составного сказуемого 2. given - определение 3. prepared, given - обстоятельство времени 4. given - именная часть составного сказуемого 5. controlled, motivated, stimulated - обстоятельство условия
Перевод: 1. Вы когда-нибудь проводили презентацию на английском языке? 2. Презентация, которую провел мистер Тернер, была очень интересной. 3. Хорошо подготовленная и проведенная презентация может вызвать большой интерес в компании. 4. Вчерашнюю презентацию провел мистер Тернер, правда? 5. Без контроля, мотивации и стимулов сотрудники могут потерять всякий интерес к работе.
The internet makes our life more easier. We able to have conversations with people around the world. Nowadays a social network are popular. We can share our life with people who so far from.
I like to chat with my friends in the internet.I like to share funny video or mems. It become popular during lockdown. When we were not allowed to leave our houses. With the advent of the Internet, people started less communicate in real live. I don't know it's good or bad. Each person decide what is better for his life. We shouldn't judge them.
As for me I find to have conversation in the internet with my friends not so bad because I can be busy with home work and I don't want to miss something funny and interesting