1. The best way to see Venice is to travel along the canals in a gondola.
Лучший увидеть Венецию - путешествовать по каналам на гондоле.
2. The gondoliers often sing to you as you travel the canals.
Гондольеры часто поют вам, когда вы путешествуете по каналам.
3. А longtail boat is a very long and narrow boat with a "tail" at the end. It floats with the help of a screw rotated by the engine.
Длиннохвостая лодка - очень длинная и узкая лодка с "хвостом" на конце. Она плывет с винта, вращаемого двигателем.
4. Longtail boats are often used as a kind of taxi for transporting tourist passengers. Longtail boat races are held in some provinces of Thailand.
Длиннохвостые лодки часто используются как своеобразное такси для перевозки пассажиров-туристов. В некоторых провинциях Таиланда проводятся гонки на длиннохвостых лодках.
5. A rickshaw tour not so expensive. You can reduce the price by haggling with the driver.
Поездка на рикше не такая дорогая. Вы можете снизить цену, поторговавшись с водителем.
P.S.: Скорее всего это во к тексту, в котором есть точные ответы. Так как текст я не нашла, опиралась на общепризнанные факты. В любом случае, Вы можете немного подогнать ответы под текст.
Easter — it’s a big religious holiday, because Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The date of celebrating changes every year.
It falls on one of spring Sundays. Seven weeks before Easter — it is the Lent. People must not eat the animal products and meal 7 weeks. .
People prepare for the celebration during the last week, which we name Holy Week. Of course, the customs related with this day are different in every country.
For example, Easter Cakes and Easter eggs are the traditional food in several countries. Women bake Easter Cake on Friday, this day was called Good (or Holy) Friday.
It’s really an important day for many Christians, because Jesus Christ was crucified on this day. Jesus’ sacrifice was made for us. It’s a day when people say the prayers of thanksgiving and sing solemn hymns.
On Saturday women dye the eggs. Red color is traditional color of eggs, but this tradition changed a little bit.
Nowadays we can see on the Easter table the eggs of different colors. In the Saturday evening, Christian people go to church. The Easter mass lasts all night.
The priest consecrates the food in the morning. People go home for breakfast after the ceremony. The first food that they eat is the blessed food.
It is the time, when relatives visits each other
No? I'm not,becouse it is not a real superhero.
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