Each person must choose their future profession. From an early age I made my choice in favor of construction. After graduation, I want to enter the University of Civil Engineering. My goal is to become a civil engineer.
A civil engineer is a rather interesting and widely developed field of activity, which requires in-depth knowledge in the field of mathematics, drawing and, of course, physics, and this is one of the reasons for my choice. Many people I know, having chosen the engineering field as their profession, do not regret it, but on the contrary, consider their choice to be correct and, applying for a job, go about their business with pleasure and great desire. This is exactly what I would like in the future.
Russian teenagers express themselves through clothes, accessories and hairstyles. They usually wear jeans, button-up shirts and ankle boots. Nowadays, teenagers are also obsessed with vintage looks. They regularly pair iconic brand clothes with vintage shirts or dresses in their looks. Teenagers also prefer to wear clothes that are second hand or eco-friendly. But at the same time, they always try to look stylish.
Russian teenagers are often associated with indie or alternative music. They frequently listen to funk, soul and folk music.
Teenagers often meet at musical cafes. Sometimes they visit stand-up shows or street art exhibitions