ПЕРЕВЕДЁШЬ. Дальневосточный леопард – подвид леопардов класса млекопитающих, отряда хищных, семейства кошачьих. Это один из самых редких представителей семейства кошачьих в мире. Многие специалисты считают дальневосточного леопарда самым красивым подвидом леопардов и часто сравнивают его со снежным барсом. Юг Приморского края – единственный в России ареал обитания дальневосточного леопарда. По данным последней переписи, в настоящее время в Уссурийской тайге обитает около 50 особей леопарда. Ученые многих стран и WWF озабочены вопросом сохранения вымирающего вида.
I remember you have a guitar. Right? 2. You have a lot of work this week, haven't you? 3. He has a lot of mail today. 4. Which of you have time to watch the TV this night? 5. Do you have lunch in the canteen today? 6. How many subjects do you have for your winter exam? 7. When do you have a meeting? 8. I hardly ever have headaches 9. You dont have much homework today, either, do you. 10. He doesn't have many subjects for his spring exam, either. 11. We have three minutes left to catch the train this time.
I remember you will have a guitar. Right? 2. You will have a lot of work next week, won't you? 3. He will have a lot of mail tomorrow. 4. Which of you will have time to watch the TV next night? 5. Will you have lunch in the canteen today? 6. How many subjects will you have for your winter exam? 7. When will you have a meeting?. 9. You won't have much homework tomorrow, either, will you. 10. He won't have many subjects for his spring exam, either. 11. We will have three minutes left to catch the train next time.
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