1. A lot of rice is eaten in Asia.
2. Lions and tiger can be seen in the zoo.
3. This house was constructed many years ago.
4. These books will be published next year.
5. The work had been done by the time Nick came home.
6. Look! A new bridge is being built in this district.
7. Sorry, the car has just been sold.
8. A new picture will have been painted by this artist by the beginning of the year.
9. Our class will be taught by another teacher next year.
10. I couldn't use my bike last week, it was repaired.
1. Вставьте глагол в нужной форме, чтобы образовать условные предложения 0-го типа.
1. If she cooks salads, she uses only olive oil.
2. I wear my old boots when I work.
3. We do not use calculators when we write tests.
4. Tea tastes sweet if you add some sugar.
5. He always smiles when he is happy.
2. Раскройте скобки в условных предложениях I типа и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
1. If he practices every day, he will become a champion.
2. She will help) us if we ask.
3. If they have enough money, they will open a restaurant next year.
4. I will not talk to you anymore if you insult me.
5. If Bob does not keep his word, Anna will be angry with him.
6. If you do not like this one, I will bring you another.
можно вызвать МЧС
потому что может случится пожар или тебе плохо