1) She cleaned and cooked all day. - Она убиралась и готовила еду весь день.
2) The prince invited the unkind sisters to the palace. - принц пригласил злых сестер во дворец.
3) One day a Fairy Godmother visited her. - Однажды крестная фея пришла к ней в гости.
4) She asked the Fairy Godmother for help. - Она попросила крестную о
5) She danced with the prince at the palace. - Она танцевала с принцем во дворце.
6) The prince married her. - Принц женился на ней.
7) They lived happily ever after. - Они жили долго и счастливо.
1. A long time ago, there was an old man called Ernazar.
2. When Dorothy saw the oil can, she picked it up.
3. It's really exciting to learn how to fly.
4. There is a beautiful village by the side of the lake.
5. I read a legend about Bapy Khan. It said that Er-Tostik would destroy him.