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10.03.2022 13:09 •  Английский язык

ответьте на вопросы к тексту, по ! вопросы: 1. what charity organisation did the children support? 2. why did the children decide to contribute to the charity? 3.what did the children do to raise money for the charity? 4. who was involved in the fundraising project? 5. how much money did the children raisog? текст: а. когда я прочла статью о бедных африканских детишках, я захотела им, собрав деньги. мы с моими одноклассниками подумали над этим и решили собрать деньги в нашем местном парке, разгуливая по нему в пижамах! мы назвали нашу акцию "лунатизм". и в субботу мы пошли туда, взяв коробочку для денег. мы собрали 150 фунтов-люди кидали монеты в нашу коробку. все мои одноклассники приняли в этом участие. они все хотели детям в бедных странах. благотворительная прогулка получилась веселой! мы пожертвовали деньги юнисеф и получили письмо. в. мы с моим другом фрэнком получили награду за лучший интернет-сайт.создать сайт было идеей фрэнка. мы хотели с интернета привлечь других детей в волонтеры. используя сайт, мы показывали фото и видео о в людей. мы просили детей из других школ сделать пожертвования. также мы организовали благотворительный бег. я пожертвовал книги и 200 фунтов детям в нужде. уверен - я сделал нечто хорошее. с. в последний день четверти у нас в школе был день-без-формы. мы хотели собрать деньги для детей". ученики платили деньги за то, чтобы не носить форму. мы пришли в школу в нашей одежде. мне нравилось целый день быть в своей одежде. также, у нас была благотворительная ярмарка. я лично организовывать продажу конфет и пирожков, которые мы сами испекли. наша волейбольная команда сыграла раз. ученики играли против учеников. мы платили чтобы посмотреть на игру. я был за учеников, но победили учителя. это было ужасно! мы собрали 300 фунтов. мне нравится, что я смог одному бедному ребенку в мире.


1. The children supported charity organizations helping children in need.

They sent money to UNICEF.

(Они поддерживали организации нуждающимся детям)

2. Children decided to contribute to the charity because they felt sorry for the poor children and they wanted to try to help in the way they could.

(Им стало жалко бедных детей и они захотели оказать свою

3. They organized different actions or took part in projects, they created the internet site and involved other volunteers. (Организовывали разные проекты или участвовали в них, привлекали других в волонтеры)

4. Schoolchildren and their teachers were involved in the fundraising project.

They raised 650 pounds and were proud of it.

4,6(53 оценок)
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A credit card is a payment instrument that allows you to use the bank's money under certain conditions. The holder must make the minimum payment on time or fully repay the debt of the grace period, if there is one, remember the conditions for transferring to individual cards and withdrawing cash. But at the same time, he gets a number of advantages that neither a debit card nor a loan can give.

Advantages of credit cards
The main advantage of a credit card is the ability to get borrowed funds for use:

You can use credit funds for any purpose within the countries-for purchases, education, repairs, trips, treatment in a private clinic and for other purposes. Unlike a loan, the card is renewable and when the grace period debt is closed, you can use the available limit again. There is no need to submit new applications for this. After the expiration of the plastic carrier, the card is reissued automatically.

Borrowing funds for emergency expenses. The credit card works as a "reserve wallet", providing additional funds. When booking hotels, renting cars and in other cases when a temporary freezing of funds on the card is necessary, it is convenient to provide a credit card without depriving yourself of the opportunity to manage your own money on a debit card and without giving cash.Free maintenance
Some banks offer credit cards with free service during the first year of use. There are offers for free service for the entire validity period of the card if the conditions of the loan agreement are met: a certain balance on the account, spending at least the nth amount per month, etc. Free cash withdrawal
Today, credit cards are available with the ability to withdraw cash without commission and activate the loan. A monthly limit may be set for such products, it is necessary to find out from the issuing bank. The ability to save on purchases
As part of the loyalty program, banks together with various companies and retail chains launch co-branded projects. When paying for services and goods, the credit card holder may receive additional discounts.
Cashback and loyalty programs
Paying for purchases by card, you receive bonuses, miles, points and/or a refund to your credit card account. Banks have a wide network of partner companies where you can spend credit card funds to your advantage on discounts and promotions. Discounts can reach 30%. Co-branding projects of banks and various companies allow you to save on purchases when paying by card. Points can be converted into other purchases, services and opportunities.
Use as a salary card
With monthly payments of a large amount on a credit card, you can write an application to the accounting department of your company to transfer wages to a credit account. You will not have to pay fees for transfers from cards of other banks, you will avoid delays and fines. To use a credit card as a salary card, write an application for a change of bank details 15 calendar days before the transfer of wages.
Use as a debit card
When storing personal funds on a credit card, it is possible to charge interest on the account balance if the card is profitable. However, it should be borne in mind that if there is a debt, any replenishment of the credit card will go towards paying the debt.

Disadvantages of credit cards
The interest rate is higher than that of a consumer loan — up to 20% or more, depending on the bank and the terms of service. However, interest is charged only on the amount owed, and not on the limit provided. The minimum payment is mandatory, its non-payment leads to the accrual of penalties. Depending on the bank, the minimum payment includes 3-10% of the debt of the reporting period and interest on the loan.
Some banks charge fees for cashing out funds. Specify the conditions — after the first cash withdrawal, the grace period may be automatically canceled. In a situation where the card is blocked, the restoration of access to funds will have to wait longer than usual, for some banks within 2 weeks.
Banks charge a fee for servicing some cards: a one-time fee for a year or a monthly fee - the annual fee is divided into months. Keep an eye on this in order to compensate the amount written off in time, otherwise a debt will be formed and interest will be accrued on it. Information about the account status, mandatory payment and available balance can be viewed in the mobile application.
4,8(33 оценок)


1. We are going to have a dinner at 6 pm.

2. Jose's Grandma is going to visit her in hospital after school.

3. I hope our teacher will give us a tennis lesson today.

4. Mum says she's pick us up after football practice.

5. Stephanie is going to have an operation on her leg.

6. It's so hot, I'll open a window a bit.

7. I think I'll bring pizza to your party.

8. All the boys in our school are going to enter a competition.

ex. 2

1. will you do

2. are going to look

3. 'm not going to answer

4. 'll check

5. is going to have

6. Will you go

7. 'll stay

8. Will you help

9. will explain

надеюсь, всё правильно, удачи!

4,7(60 оценок)
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