31 Read and complete. 1 Snow leopards were in danger because... 2 Stonehenge is in danger because... 1 Почему снежный барс был в опасности? 2 Почему Стонхенч был в опасности ?
Компьютер стер вопросы о друге поросенка Питера, оставив лишь ответы. Попробуй восстановить вопросы. Запиши их. Догадайся кто друг Питера. 1-Yes,he does. He lives in the forest. 2-Yes,he has. He has got many friends. 3-Yes, he does. He goes to school. 4-No, he doesn’t. He likes honey,jam and cakes.3 Does he go to school?4 Does he like fish?2 Has he got friends?1 Does he live in the forest?
The Tower of London is one of the most interesting historic sights of London. It is situated in the center of London on the north bank of the River Thames. The Tower was founded during the Norman Conquest of England sometimes at the end of 1066. It has 20 towers and the most important of all is the White Tower, which was built by William the Conqueror. The Tower has a long and rich history. It has once been a royal palace, a fortress, a prison, a place of execution and even a zoo. Today, it’s mainly a historical museum. While it was a royal palace, King Henry III kept three leopards, an elephant, a polar bear and several ravens there
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