1. The sun doesn't go around the Earth. 2. The sun doesn't rise in the West. 3. Mice don't catch cats. 4. The Volga doesn't flow into the Kama. 5. We don't go to the theatre every day. 6. I don't have coffee every morning. 7. She doesn't have a holiday in the South every summer. 8. In the evening he usually doesn't draw pictures. 9. I don't learn poems every day. 10. My sister doesn't lose something every time. 11. I don't write an English exercise. 12. I don't drink coffee in the evening. 13. Your friend doesn't go to school in the H. 14. In the morning the baby doesn't always sleep after breakfast. 15. His grandmother doesn't work. 16. My sister doesn't study at an institute. 17. My mother doesn't play the piano in the morning.
Oxford University was founded in the 12th century.It is one of the largest and the most ancient universities of England Oxford University consists of 25 independent colleges, including four colleges for women.The University has laboratories and research institutes, in all branches of science and engineering, and well-equipped libraries. A characteristic feature; of Oxford University is that many traditions of the Middle Ages are still current there. Many eminent world-known scholars and-scientists have been educating at 0xford.
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