4 2.29 Order the mini-dialogues. Listen and check. 1 a I think it's a bit boring. I don't really like action films. _ b I'm not sure I agree with you. I think it's really exciting. - c What do you think of the film Spectre? d How about you? 2 a What about you? — b I agree with you. I think it's fantastic! c I love it. I'd say it's one of the best films I've seen. d What do you think of the new Spider-Man film? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Children in Britain go to school after they reach 5 years old. Primary education begins in the children gardens (children from (не указано) to 7 years old) and in primary schools (children from 8 to 11)
The secondary education lasts for 5 years. Children go there from 11 years old and without examinations. Secondary school gives you a big choice from drawing and craft to natural science. There are specializations on particular subjects. It wasn't the same for the all centuries. There were only 2 kinds of schools in Britain until 1965.
High level education had been given in grammar schools. Children who went through exams could go there(20%). These schools didn't give any practice for going to universities. British considered this system to be unfair.
At the end of 5th form pupils are writing their first state exam. Lots of people decide to leave school at the age of 16 and they can go to the Further Education College, there they'd be taught about some "working" jobs. Pupils, who stay in the 6th form, which lasts for 2 years, are getting ready for the university exams.
Since 1944 secondary schools in England are free. But there are some private schools. Education there is very expensive and only 5% of pupils can get it.
Джек поднимался и поднимался.Ствол был высокий и уходил в небо,через облака.Он наконец достиг вершины и был очень удивлён,когда увидел большой замок.Он побежал к замку и постучал в дверь.Джек был очень голоден и хотел попросить чего-нибудь поесть.Великанша открыла дверь.Она была очень большая,и выглядела удивлённой. "Что ты хочешь?Ты не можешь зайти сюда.Моего мужа тут нет,но когда он придёт,я уверена,что он съест тебя!" Джек испугался,когда услышал это и как и сказала Великанша,замок начал трястись.Великан возвращается домой! Великанша побежала на кухню а Джек последовал за ней. "Ты должен спрятаться!Мой муж не должен увидеть тебя!Быстрее!Полезай в духовку.Ты можешь спрятаться за пирожным!" Джек был испуган. не дай Великану съесть меня Великанша закрыла дверь духовки и стала ждать мужа. ВС
The secondary education lasts for 5 years. Children go there from 11 years old and without examinations. Secondary school gives you a big choice from drawing and craft to natural science. There are specializations on particular subjects. It wasn't the same for the all centuries. There were only 2 kinds of schools in Britain until 1965.
High level education had been given in grammar schools. Children who went through exams could go there(20%). These schools didn't give any practice for going to universities. British considered this system to be unfair.
At the end of 5th form pupils are writing their first state exam. Lots of people decide to leave school at the age of 16 and they can go to the Further Education College, there they'd be taught about some "working" jobs. Pupils, who stay in the 6th form, which lasts for 2 years, are getting ready for the university exams.
Since 1944 secondary schools in England are free. But there are some private schools. Education there is very expensive and only 5% of pupils can get it.