The ability to apologize is a great power, not inherent in everyone. All people are individual in their own way, some are kind and sincere, and others are the opposite. People who find it difficult to apologize are often very proud and arrogant, or they love themselves very much. But it may be that the person does not feel guilty, and therefore does not apologize. But an honest, kind person will always ask for forgiveness, because this is necessary for quarrels, bickering, etc. Words do not heal, but the words "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" can soften the situation and improve the relationship with the person, if necessary. People who do not know how to do this, or do not want to, are usually very rude and have a small circle of friends, most often from those who, on the contrary, often apologize. You should apologize, but only if you are guilty. Do not throw words to the wind, especially if the interlocutor does not appreciate it. Be able to ask for forgiveness and forgive..
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