Вірш"Моє сердце в верховині" Аналіз вірша. Запишіть відповіді на питання 1.У яких словах виражається основна думка вірша? 2.Як поет називає свою батьківщину? 3.Наведіть приклади анафори та антитези, епітетів і метафор.
At the beginning of the week day my parents goes to work until the evening and I go to school. In the evening, my parents and I can go for a walk in the city center. In the center we can go shopping or go to the supermarket. We rarely can afford expensive restaurants, but the main thing is that we spend time with our family. After the walk, we already go home to wash, eat and sleep.
My parents are free at the weekend. We can stay all day at home or go to cafe. I with my mum
can go to clothes shop to buy a new clothes for me and my dad. After we can go to visit mum's friends.
1bet bet bet burst burst burst cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt let let letshut shut shut split split split put put put hit hit hit 2stand stood stood read read read bend bent bent build built built dig dug dug shoot shot shot sit sat sat spend spent spent stick stuck stuck
beat beat beaten bite bit bitten choose chose chosen draw drew drawn drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen fly flew flown forbid forbade forbidden forget forgot forgotten know knew known speak spoke spoken take took taken give gave given
My time with family
(at week days and at weekends)
At the beginning of the week day my parents goes to work until the evening and I go to school. In the evening, my parents and I can go for a walk in the city center. In the center we can go shopping or go to the supermarket. We rarely can afford expensive restaurants, but the main thing is that we spend time with our family. After the walk, we already go home to wash, eat and sleep.
My parents are free at the weekend. We can stay all day at home or go to cafe. I with my mum
can go to clothes shop to buy a new clothes for me and my dad. After we can go to visit mum's friends.