Косвенная речь — синтаксический введения в свою речь чужой речи с сохранением основного содержания высказывания, представленной как пояснительная придаточная часть сложноподчинённого предложения и находящейся в формальной зависимости от фразы передающего её лица.Чаще всего используется said, told,ask this, these - that, those, here - there , now - then , today -that day , tomorrow - the next day , yesterday - the day before , ago - before , last - the previous , next - the following Правило согласования времён вступают в силу, если в главной части сложного предложения, глагол употребляется в форме времени. В таком случае глагол придаточного также употребляется в одной из форм времени.Те из них, которые имеют формы времени, изменятся в косвенной речи, например: «can» – «could», «may» – might», «have (to)» – «had (to)» – вот практически и все. Остальные при переходе в косвенную речь не меняются: must, ought и др.Пояснення:
1. I would like a cup of coffee with milk and some cookies, please.
a) like b) would like
2. How much pears do you need for the cake?
a) many b) much
3. He is too young to travel without parents.
a) enough b) too
4. The British Isles are washed by - Atlantic Ocean.
a) -, - b) -, the c) the, - d) the, the
5. Hoverla is the highest mountain in Ukraine.
a) high b) higher c) the highest
6. Planes are the most fastest means of transport.
a) faster b) the fastest c) the most fastest
IV. Write down a letter to your friend and tell about your last trip. Тут треба заповнити речення
1. Has it stopped raining?
a)It's stopped b) Have it stopped
c) Has it stopped
2. Have you played this computer game?
No, I haven't.
a) I haven't played b) I haven't c) T hasn't
3. Have you lost - your dictionary?
a) You lost b) Have you lost c) Have you lose
4. Has that book become very popular? Yes, it has.
a) it have b) it has c) it has become
5. l love that book. Have they made a film of it now?
a) Have they made b) Has they made
c) Have they make
6. I think I saw your sister in a film. Has she started- acting?
a) She started b) Has started
c) Has she started