Я люблю рисовать! Это мое самое любимое хобби. Я люблю изображать на своих картинах свои эмоции и чувства, друзей и семью. Рисовать, это тоже самое что творить. Когда я беру карандаш или кисточку, в моей голове происходит фураж, множество идей и заготовок которые так хочется использовать и нарисовать. Я надеюсь и мечтаю стать художником. Для меня исскуство очень много значит. Вот почему я выбрала это хобби , и по сей день!
По английски:
I love to draw! This is my most favorite hobby. I love to portray in his paintings their emotions and feelings, friends and family. Draw, is the same as create. When I take a pencil or brush in my head going on fodder, many ideas and pieces that are so eager to use and draw. I hope and dream of becoming an artist. Art for me means a lot. That's why I chose this hobby, and to this day!
1) At 7 o’clock yesterday evening Ralph was driving to the city centre.
Was Ralph driving to the city centre at 7 o’clock yesterday evening?
At 7 o’clock yesterday evening Ralph wasn't driving to the city centre.
2) Jane was doing her homework when the telephone rang.
Was Jane doing her homework when the telephone rang?
Jane wasn't doing her homework when the telephone rang.
3) I entered the living room and saw Peter who was sleeping on the sofa.
Was Peter sleeping on the sofa when I entered the living room?
Peter wasn't sleeping on the sofa when I entered the living room.
4) When Jane came home, her little bro was playing with his favourite toy plane.
Was her little bro playing with his favourite toy plane when Jane came home.
Her little bro wasn't playing with his favourite toy plane when Jane came home.
5) While Ann was doing the flat, her sis was cooking dinner.
Was her sister cooking dinner while Ann was doing the flat?
Her sister wasn't cooking dinner while Ann was doing the flat.
6) It was snowing when they left the house.
Was It snowing when they left the house?
It wasn't snowing when they left the house.
7) Mum was crossing the street when Dad drove up to the gate.
Was Mum crossing the street when Dad drove up to the gate?
Mum wasn't crossing the street when Dad drove up to the gate.
8) My granny was washing up while I was cutting the vegetables for salad.
Was my granny washing up while I was cutting the vegetables for salad?
My granny wasn't washing up while I was cutting the vegetables for salad.
9) I was trying to phone you yesterday afternoon. — Sorry, Bob, I wasn’t at home. I was helping Sarah to prepare her presentation.
Were you helping Sarah to prepare her presentation when I was trying to phone you yesterday afternoon?
You weren't helping Sarah to prepare her presentation when I was trying to phone you yesterday afternoon?
10) When John arrived, we were having breakfast.
Were we having breakfast when John arrived.
We weren't having breakfast when John arrived.