spider-man even yesterday, peter parker was an ordinary schoolboy, whom everyone considered a loser and boring, but one day a miracle happened to him. peter spider bites-mutant, followed by a clumsy young man is fantastic metamorphosis! incredible way, all exacerbated by his feelings. it takes great strength and agility, and most importantly, the ability to climb walls and throw strong as steel spider web! so peter starts a new life in the form of the mysterious spider-man, the savior of people and thunderstorms underworld. but where there is a superhero, sooner or later always declared and supervillain. and soon spider-man will have to fight with the green goblin is terrorizing the town monster on a flying glider. in this great battle will be decided not only their fate, but the fate of thousands of city
My favorite movie is Harry Potter. It's an amazing and magical fairy tale about a boy who became a great wizard. The boy lost his parent when he was still very young. Valan de Mort killed his parents. He and Harry wanted to kill, but it turned out that half of his magic force passed to the boy. In this fairy tale there is good and evil. I really like watching this movie on New Year's holidays, it gives the atmosphere of the New Year.
Мой любимы фильм Гарри Поттер.Это удивительная и волшебная сказка о мальчике,который стал великим волшебником.Мальчик потерял родителем,когда был ещё совсем маленьким.Волан де Морт убил его родителей.Он и Гарри хотел убить,но получилась так,что половина его волшебной силы перешла к мальчику.В этой сказке есть добро и зло.Мне очень нравится смотреть этот фильм на новогодние праздники,придает атмосферу Нового года.
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