Task Use comparison of adjectives. 1. Flowers are (pretty) than vegetables. 2. I think the Beatles songs are (popular) songs 3. Margaret is (nice) person I know 4. I think Chinese food is (delicious) than French.
У Ларри и Джуди Бемер 11 детей и все они являются частью жонглерской семьи Бемер. Их цирковое шоу просто фантастическое - в него входит жонглирование , катание на одноколесных велосипедах (моноциклах ) и гимнастика. Они показывают своё шоу в тематических парках и фестивалях по всей Америке. В семье Бемер 4 сына и 7 дочек. Их имена Ада, Кейси, Холли, Сара, Кери, Джонатан, Мелисса , Остин, Ребекка, Элизабет и Маргарет. Кейси Бемер фантастический жонглер . У него есть золотая медаль от Международной Жонглерской Ассоциации. Это выглядит восхитительно потому что у Кейси только одна рука , но он может при этом жонглировать пятью шариками одной рукой. У Бемеров также есть собака Боско. Иногда Боско ассистирует в их цирковом шоу.
In the village of Dashev (Illintski district) is the picturesque Church of St. Michael, built in 1764. It is interesting with its unique architectural ensemble, where you can see elements of "Cossack Baroque". Later to a construction attached buildings in architectural style of classicism. Inside the Church you can enjoy amazing oil painting (19-20 century), a wonderful Podolsky icons and incredibly sublime and relaxing atmosphere. In the village Dolgopolova (the Tivriv region) - there is a real miracle. His so called Dolgopolova a miracle. Near the church of the Archangel Michael Amazing, isn't it? It was on the turn of a regular tree, growing near the temple. in the celebration of Christmas was discovered face image of Jesus Christ.Locals claim that the tree was damaged during a severe storm. Every day to the Church and to this wonder tree is visited by hundreds of pilgrims from different corners of Ukraine and abroad. To consider the Holy image easily. It is perfectly visible a few steps away from the tree, if you look at it at a certain angle. It's not the whole list of interesting places of Vinnytsya region.. In this picturesque part of Ukraine has lots of unique churches and architectural complexes, magnificent ancient and modern buildings, museums, beautiful gardens and romantic parks.
1. pretty-prettier.
2. popular-most popular.
4.delicious-more delicious.
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