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15.02.2022 15:42 •  Английский язык

In 2008 on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, first Intellectual schools (NIS) were launched. The project of creating them resulted from the need for professionals with a high level of technical, managerial and leadership competencies. [1] 

A On 19 January 2011, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ' On the status of

В Such professions have been necessary since the beginning of 21st century, when Kazakhstan accelerated in socio-economic development

С There is an increasing emphasis on a student-centered, skills-based approach, while retaining the best of the current curriculum

D elementary (including pre-school education and training), primary and secondary.

E Depending on the subject the class is divided into 2 groups which means that the teachers will be working with max 12 students in a group.

Intellectual Schools were to be an experimental platform for such purposes as development, monitoring, researching, analysis, introduction and implementation of modern models of educational programs by level. These programs have been developed at three levels: [2]

A On 19 January 2011, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ' On the status of

В Such professions have been necessary since the beginning of 21st century, when Kazakhstan accelerated in socio-economic development

С There is an increasing emphasis on a student-centered, skills-based approach, while retaining the best of the current curriculum

D elementary (including pre-school education and training), primary and secondary.

E Depending on the subject the class is divided into 2 groups which means that the teachers will be working with max 12 students in a group.

[3] Nazarbayev University, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and Nazarbayev Fund' was adopted. The status implies a right to approve the school's own educational curricula as well as set its own requirements for entrance exams. The curriculum is currently based on the Kazakh national curriculum which underwent constructive development with support from the University of Cambridge International Examinations.

A On 19 January 2011, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ' On the status of

В Such professions have been necessary since the beginning of 21st century, when Kazakhstan accelerated in socio-economic development

С There is an increasing emphasis on a student-centered, skills-based approach, while retaining the best of the current curriculum

D elementary (including pre-school education and training), primary and secondary.

E Depending on the subject the class is divided into 2 groups which means that the teachers will be working with max 12 students in a group.

[4] The new curriculum was developed with the guidance of international experts and has been operating in functioning Intellectual Schools since September 2012. The trilingual policy has been implemented in all areas of the curriculum. Each school focuses primarily on a specific set of subjects: either physical sciences and mathematics, or chemical and biological sciences, as well as foreign languages. Currently NIS operates twenty intellectual schools throughout the country, in addition to an international school and specialist mathematics school in Astana.

A On 19 January 2011, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ' On the status of

В Such professions have been necessary since the beginning of 21st century, when Kazakhstan accelerated in socio-economic development

С There is an increasing emphasis on a student-centered, skills-based approach, while retaining the best of the current curriculum

D elementary (including pre-school education and training), primary and secondary.

E Depending on the subject the class is divided into 2 groups which means that the teachers will be working with max 12 students in a group.

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Dingo is a wild dog.

It has ginger fur, pointed teeth and acute eyes.

It looks like a dog or a wolf.

It lives in Australia and eats rabbits, kangaroos.

Also, dingoes eat birds, reptilians but not a lot.

They hunt at night.

They come carefully to the victim and then run after it until they catch it. Dingo is my favourite unusual animal.

Динго - дикая собака.

У динго рыжий мех, острые зубы и острое зрение.

Она похожа на собаку или волка.

Она живет в Австралии и питается кроликами, кенгуру.

Кроме того, динго едят птиц, рептилий, но не очень много.

Они охотятся по ночам.

Они осторожно подходят к жертве и бегут за ней, пока не поймают. Динго - мое любимое необычное животное.

Мне составить рассказ про динго на . 1. как выглядит. 2. где живет. 3.чем питается и как охотиться.
4,6(56 оценок)
Environmental problems

In recent years the number of environmental problems has increased greatly. One of the most dangerous problems for our planet is global warming which means that most climates all over the world are changing and getting warmer. It happens because we burn too much petrol resources, such as oil and coal, and the Earth heats up. This process can cause melting of the polar ice and the sea level rising in the future. If the climate changes there will be floods, heavy storms or severe droughts in different areas of the world. Cutting down on exhaust fumes from vehicles could help solve this serious problem.

Our planet is overpopulated, that’s why we are using up our natural resources – they are not endless. So the scientists have started looking for some alternate forms of energy such as water, wind, sunlight and even tides. These resources are clean, natural and unlimited. I’m glad that modern automobile industries make hybrids which use electric or solar energy instead of petrol. It would definitely help protect our environment from pollution.

There are different kinds of environmental pollution: air pollution, water pollution, land pollution. Sadly, not all human beings realize or admit that we are the ones who cause these problems and we should be the first to stop them and protect our environment. Because of the industrial revolution the air is polluted with awful chemicals; seas and oceans are poisoned with oil spills. Many rare species of flora and fauna are threatened with extinction.

We should be proud to live on our wonderful planet and understand that the consequences of pollution might be terrible and affect us and our children later. We should start recycling things made of glass, paper, plastic and aluminium. We should stop smoking and plant as many trees as we can because they can give us more oxygen. We need to drive less and use public transport in order to reduce fuel burning. We are responsible for the situation.

4,4(5 оценок)
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