Ruskin Bond used to spend his summer at his grandmother’s house in Dehradun. While taking the train, he always had to pass through a small station called Deoli. No one used to get down at the station and nothing happened there. Until one day he sees a girl selling fruit and he is unable to forget her.
What Is Great About It: Ruskin Bond is a writer who can communicate deep feelings in a simple way. This story is about our attachment to strangers and why we cherish them even though we do not meet them ever again.
Yes, i have a lot of friends there. Да у меня много друзей здесь.
I came to this school when i was 7 years old. Я пришла в эту школу, когда мне было 7 лет.
I was a little bit confused and i was afraid, cuz it was very uncommon for me. Я была немного в замешательстве, ибо это было необычно для меня.
Yes, i changed, because it was connection of two classes. Да, я сменила, потому что было слияние двух классов.
My parents, they always wish me good luck before i go to school. Мои родители, они всегда желают удачи, прежде чем я уйду в школу.