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Перевести текст с на ! the big bang model is a broadly accepted scientific theory for the origin and evolution of uor universe.according to this theory the universe was created about 10 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter in all directions.astronomers believe that once all the matter and energy in the universe were concentrated in a single place.this place was extremely hot and dense.then,sometime between 10 billion and 20billion years ago,an enormous and powerful explosion -the big bang -shot the concentrated matter and nergy in all directions.after the initial big bang,the force of gravity began to affect the matter racing outward in every direction,gravity caused some of the matter to come together to form galaxies and stars.the clumps of matter around our own star,the sun,became planets.some planets were large enough and had enough gravity to attract matter that became moons or satellites.in 1927,the belgian priest george lemantre was the first to assume that the universe began with the explosion began with the explosion of a primeavl atom.years later,edwin hublble found experimental evidence that helped to justify lemantres theory.he made observations and stated thath distant galaxies are going away from us in every direction at a speed proportional to heir distance from the centre of te universe.since the big bang the universe has been continuously expanding and thus the distance between clusters of galaxies has become much bigger than it was before .this phenomenon is known as the red shift.the stars galaxies were much closer to each other in the past than they are at present and they are corrently moving rapidly away from each other.at the same time the matter inside the galaxies continues to race away from the area where the big bang had occurred.thus it has been stated that at present all the galaxies are speeding away from the centre of the universe.the big bang theory also predicts the existence of cosmic background radiation(the glow left after the explosion itself).in 1964 this radiation was discovered by arno penzias and robert wilson who later won the nobel prize for this discovery .although the big bang theory has been widely accepted it will probably never be proved and thus it leaves a number of tough unanswered questions.

Модель Большого взрыва - это широко принятая научная теория происхождения и эволюции нашей Вселенной. Согласно этой теории, Вселенная была создана около 10 миллиардов лет назад в результате космического взрыва, который раскидал материю во всех направлениях. Астрономы полагают, что когда-то вся материя и энергия во Вселенной были сосредоточены в одном месте. Это место было очень жарким и плотным. Затем, между 10 и 20 миллиардами лет назад, огромный и мощный взрыв - Большой взрыв - раскидал концентрированный материал и энергию во всех направлениях. После начального Большого взрыва сила тяжести начала влиять на материю, движущуюся извне во всех направлениях, а гравитация привела к тому, что части материи объединялись, сформировав галактики и Звезды. Части материи вокруг нашей звезды Солнца стали Планетами. Некоторые планеты были достаточно большими и имели достаточную гравитацию для привлечения материй, которые становились натуральными или искусственными спутниками.
В 1927 году бельгийский священник Джордж Лемантр первым предположил, что вселенная началась со взрыва, начавшегося от взрыва первобытного атома. Позднее Эдвин Хаблл нашел экспериментальные доказательства, которые обосновать теорию Лемантра. Он сделал наблюдения и заявил, что отдаленные галактики уходят от нас во всех направлениях со скоростью, пропорциональной расстоянию от центра вселенной. Начиная с Большого Взрыва Вселенная непрерывно расширялась, и поэтому расстояние между скоплениями галактик стало намного больше, чем было раньше. Это явление известно как Красное смещение. Звезды галактик были гораздо ближе друг к другу в чем сейчас, и они быстро движутся друг от друга. В то же время материя внутри галактик продолжает отходить от области, где произошел Большой взрыв. Таким образом, было заявлено, что в настоящее время все галактики ускользают от центра Вселенной.
Теория большого взрыва также предсказывает существование космического фонового излучения (свечения, оставшегося после самого взрыва). В 1964 году это излучение обнаружили Арно Пензиас и Роберт Вильсон, которые впоследствии выиграли Нобелевскую премию за это открытие. Хотя теория Большого Взрыва была широко принята, она, вероятно, никогда не будет доказана и, следовательно, оставляет ряд непростых вопросов без ответа.
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Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond is a beautiful lake in the west of Scotland. It's famous for its fantastic wildlife and woodland, Come in the spring and you'll see the woods full of beautiful bluebells and ransoms (wild garlic). In the woods around the lake, you can see red deer and red squirrels, and if you're really lucky. you might even see the rare, majestic golden eagle. The best way to experience the beauty of the loch is on one of the guided canoe trips around the lake. You can visit all the wonderful islands and see one of the biggest surprises of the area. The pretty little island is home to the northemmost wild population of red-necked wallabies! These cute animals originally came from Australia and were brought to Scotland over 70 years ago.

Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve

The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve is to the west of Astana and it covers more than half a million hectares of some of the most beautiful wetlands in Kazakhstan. The wet, swampy landscape is the perfect habitat for hundreds of species of animals and plants. Here you can see roe deer, lynx and elk as well as rare species of moss, lichen and mushrooms that can't be seen anywhere else.

But Korgalzhyn is most famous for all the amazing species of birds that go there. The two massive lakes on the reserve are like a giant crossroads for migrating birds. The best time to visit is the beginning of May when you'll fish see eagles, pelicans and Siberian white cranes. However, the star attractions of Korgalzhyn are the famous. greater flamingos. It's worth the trip just to see these beautiful pink birds.
4,7(78 оценок)

Loch Lomond Korgaizhyn Nature Reserve hy Loch Lomond is  beautful lake in the west of The Korgaizhyn Nature Reserve is t the Scotiand. it's famous for its fantastic widiife and Astana and & covers more than hit f woodland. Come in the spring and you'll see the hectares of some of the most beaut wey woods full of beautful biuebelis and ransoms (mid Kazakhstan, The wet, swamoy langecape is the Garhc). in the woods sround the take, you can see perfect habitat for hundreds of’sheties of“anamals red deer and red squarels, and if you're really lucky, and plants. Here you can see roe deer, fir and otk you fugit even see the fare, mayesuc golden eagle. pacantbe sen ananen OS) and mushrooms The best way to expenence the beauty of the loch — that can't be seen anywhere is on one of the guided canoe tnps around the lake. Bua Korgalznyn ie mo famous fra the aman species You can visit ail the wonderful islands and see one of birds that go there. ‘Typ massive lakes on the of the begest surprises of the area. The pretty reserve are ke 4 ant crossroads for migrating tte island is home to the northemmost wid beds. The best tme to yRi is the beginning of population of rednecked wallatves! These May when you’ fish eagles, pelicans and i cule animals ongmnally come from Australia Siberian Finders. However, the star and were brougm to attractiong of Korgalzhyn are the famous Scotland over 70 years gos ploy snort be oe oo wa ago. these Supls pink birds.

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