ˈmuːvɪŋ deɪ!
[ˈaʊə ʧeəz ɑːr ɪn ðə ˈbɑːθru(ː)m
maɪ bɛd ɪz ɪn ðə hɔːl.
ðə ˈsəʊfəz ɪn ðə ˈkɪʧɪn,
bʌt weəz maɪ bɔːl?
ðə frɪʤ ɪz ɪn ðə ˈgɑːdn,
ðə ˈwɔːdrəʊbz ɒn ðə steəz,
ðə ˈraɪtɪŋ dɛsk ɪz ˈʌpsaɪd daʊn
bʌt weər ɑː maɪ beəz? ]
Moving day! – День переезда!
Our chairs are in the bathroom, — Наши стулья в ванной комнате,
My bed is in the hall. — Моя кровать находится в прихожей.
The sofa’s in the kitchen, — Наш диван на кухне,
But where’s my ball? — Но, где же мой мяч?
The fridge is in the garden, — Холодильник в саду,
The wardrobe’s on the stairs, — Платяной шкаф на лестнице,
The writing desk is upside down. — Письменный стол перевернут.
But where are my bears? — Но где же мои медведи?
1a) Dave thinks aliens will visit our planet in the next twenty years.
1b) They are going to visit their aunt and uncle on Sunday.
2a) It's raining. I will drive you to Jenny's house if you like.
2b) In the holidays my sister is going to drive around Ireland with some friends.
3a) I won't forget your birthday next year. I promise!
3b) Jill's always in a hurry. She is going to forget her geography homework again.
4a) You're wearing new shoes. You are going to have terrible blisters tomorrow.
4b) 'Do you want chips or salad?' 'I will have chips, please.'
one hundred (100), one thousand (1000)
one million (один миллион), one hundred thousand ( 100 000), ten thousand (10 000)