60 years ago there were no space programs, because we did not have the technology to
travel to space. Today there are space shuttles, space stations and even space tourists.
How did it start?
In the 90s, space programs from different countries began to work together. The result was
International Space Station, a space city the size of a football field. First part
The station was launched in November 1998.
In 2000 Denis Tito became the first tourist in space when he paid 10 million to visit
the space station in 2001. Two years later, the first man-made object Mars Rover
landed on Mars. Scientists are already planning the first human mission to Mars.
1971, people saw the first space station "Salyut 1" Koloraya flew into space. Voyager
1 and 2 also began their journey to find out about the planets in the solar system and look for a new one
a life. Both Voyagers carry pictures, natural sounds and music from the ground.
The race into space began in 1957 with the satellite "Sputnik 1", "Sputnik 1" was less than 1 meter in
length, and was in space for three weeks. It was the first satellite to orbit the Earth.
After the satellite, the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, came. His ship "Vostok 1" flew over
Earth only once. Other astronauts flew into space the following year, but it took 8 years to complete
the next big step. On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 arrived at 1.y. Neil Armstrong became the first
the man who walked on the moon.
Gorilla also used in various nutritional mineral supplements: eat, for instance, some types of clay, thereby compensating for the lack of salt in food. Drink gorillas hardly necessary: lush greenery already contains enough moisture. Waters and all the water be avoided whenever possible, and the rain nedolyublivayut.V nature gorillas live in the equatorial forests of west and central Africa, mountain gorillas - the slopes of the Virunga volcanic mountains covered by forests. Hold small groups consisting of a male-leader, several females and their cubs (from 5 to 30 individuals). They feed on plant foods, although the case is not averse and animals (mainly insects). Their massive jaws and powerful chewing muscles allow you to cope with any kind of vegetable food: crust, wood, stems, roots, and leaves and fruits.