The music I listen to is not just appealing to me. I have almost constantly included 6 tracks that repeat again and again, although I have a much larger number on hard. The music that I listen to is constantly consonant with my thoughts. You see, for me the sound canvas is a picture written by sounds. And when I hear a certain music, I see it. And this picture is partly mine, because it is made up of my thoughts, which sound in a certain rhythm. So, when I listen to Heavy Rain - Main Theme, I see a man who rises from his knees. And this is my vision, which is close to me, with which I agree, because this image has a certain meaning in my vision of the surrounding world ...
Do you feel the beating of thoughts when you listen to your favorite tracks? What pictures do you see?
Музыка это не просто пустые звуки. Данное искусство выражает состояние души и эмоций человека. С музыки можно понять что человек чувствует,о чем он думает,что он хочет сказать, и о чем молчит. Настоящие ценители музыки понимают и знают толк в ней.
В наше время музыка распространенный выражения наших чувств.
Music is not just an empty phrase. This art expresses a state of mind and emotions. With music you can understand what a person feels, what he thinks about what he wants to say, and what is silent. Real music lovers understand and know a lot about it.
Nowadays, music is a common way of expressing our feelings
1. Mile like tennis
2. Because he want to play better than before
3. Mike