Kurban Khait (Eid al-Adha) is one of the largest holidays in the Islamic world, marking the end of the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Celebrated 70 days after the end of another major holiday - Ramadan Hait.
Since 1991, the religious holiday of Kurban Hait in Uzbekistan has been declared a day off and is widely celebrated in the country. In the days of Ramadan Khait and in the days of Kurban Khait, preparations for the holiday begin the day before Khait and this day is called “Arafa”. On the day of Araf, traditional flour products are cooked in every Uzbek family: “kush-tili”, “bogursok”, “orama”, “chak-chak” and others.
Курбан Хаит (Ид-аль-Адха) – один из крупнейших праздников исламского мира, знаменующий собой окончание хаджа (паломничества в Мекку). Празднуется 70 дней спустя после окончания другого крупного праздника – Рамазана Хаит.
Начиная с 1991 года, религиозный праздник Курбан Хаит в Узбекистане объявлен выходным днем и широко отмечается в стране. И в дни Рамазан Хаита, и в дни Курбан Хаита приготовления к празднику начинаются за день до Хаита и этот день называется «Арафа». В день Арафа в каждой узбекистанской семье готовятся традиционные мучные изделия: «куш-тили», «богурсок», «орама», «чак-чак» и другие. Вечером готовится предпраздничный плов, которым соседи обычно обмениваются друг с другом. В касу (большую керамическую чашу) накладывается плов, который сверху украшается мучными изделиями.
a) He did'n go out on Friday nights
b) The boy didn't listen to music
c) Christine and Jim didn't meet on Sundays
d) My father was not busy on Mondays
е) My grandparents didn't spend money in the supermarket om Saturday
f) Tracey didn't play the flute in the afternoon
a) Where were you born ?
b) Why didn't she come yesterday ?
c) Why did you cry at the cinema ?
d) Where did the buy at the sales ?
e) When did you go on foot ?
f) What time did Helen get up? At 7:45
g) How often did Alice go to the gym ?
во втором случае можно разные вопросы писать, я написала подходящие по смыслу
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(The UK) is the official name of state which is situated in British Isles. The UK consists of two islands( Ireland and Great Britain).They are separated by the Irish Sea.It consists of four countries which are England, Scotland, Wales fnd Northen Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. Everyone who was born in Britain is British. More than 56 million people live in Britain. All people in the United Kingdom speak English but they all speak differently. As you know, the flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It is made or three crosses.