Test Variant 3. Student Djuraeva ST 40 EJL
Active Voice Tenses
Task 1. Change the Tense of the Sentence According to a Time Marker:
1. Tom drinks a tea spoon of mixture every hour.
Vi-drink (irreg.) (when I visited him yesterday, in an hour, for three days already)
2. Ann didn't cough yesterday.
Vi-cough (reg.) (now, tomorrow, since this morning)
3. Has he visited his aunt recently?
Vi-visit (reg.) (these days, when I met you; last week)
I've got some games, console and an MP3 player, but my MP3 player is broken.
When we visited USA, we went to the White House - but we didn't see the President!
My friend has got a snake and a spider. The snake is green and the spider is black.
I had an apple and an orange for lunch. The apple tasted horrible.
I bought a T-shirt and a sweatshirt. I gave the sweatshirt to my brother.
My dad is an actor. He's doing a show at the Globe Theatre in London.
I was eating a sandwich in the kitchen when door opened and a boy walked in.
We had an amazing holiday in the Lake District