1. Mike could run very fast.
2. They must understand French.
3. I could speak English well.
4. My brother will be able to come and help you in the garden.
5. Can I go to the post office with Mike?
6. Pete will be allowed to take your bag.
7. Don't give the vase to the child: he can break it.
8. You had not to make notes in the books.
9. I had to help my mother yesterday.
10. He had to come to work early.
1. Майк мог бегать очень быстро.
2. Они должны понимать Французский язык.
3. Я мог говорить на Английском хорошо.
4. Мой брат сможет прийти и тебе по саду.
5. Смогу ли я пойти на почту с Майком?
6. Питер сможет взять твою сумку.
7. Не давай ребенку вазу: он может ее разбить.
8. Тебе не разрешалось делать пометки в книгах.
9. Мне нужно было (пришлось моей маме вчера.
10. Ему пришлось прийти на работу рано.
If I was my own parent, I would be proud of my children.
If I had a magic wand, I would be a magician.
If I knew the language of birds and animals, I would talk to my cat.
If I found a treasure of gold, I would buy a new house.
If I could live my life over, I wouldn't change much in it.