In my free time I usually hang out with my friends or surf the Net. If it is summer I don`t use the computer much and have a great time outside. But in autumn, winter and spring I have to use computer more because sometimes wecan`t do our homework without using the Internet. And I usually chat with my friends because I don`t see some of them for a long time.
On Saturdays or Sundays I usually help my mum with the housework, watch TV, meet my friends and often play the guitar because I`m mad about music.
But sometimes if the school days were busy and I had to study much harder I simply relax. I think we must do something interesting in our free time because we become borried and tired after doing homework and studying so hard.
a pessimist is a person who always expects bad things to happen. pessimists think that today’s cars are in trouble because they use too much gas. they say the car of the future will be much, much smaller. the car of tomorrow will have no heater and no air conditioning. it’ll have no radio and no lights. tomorrow’s car will be an open air car with no doors and windows. it won’t need a pollution control system because it won’t use gas. in fact, drivers will push this new car with their feet. very few people will be killed in accidents, because the top speed will be five miles per hour. however, pessimists warn us not to ask for pretty colours, because the car will come in grey only.
optimists are sure that the future will be happy. they think that car companies will soon solve all our problems by producing the supercar. tomorrow’s car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable than before. the supercar will have four rooms, color tv, running water, heat, air conditioning, and a swimming pool. large families will travel on long trips in complete comfort. if gas is in short supply, the supercar will run on water. finally, optimists promise that the car of the future will come in any color, as long as the colour is grey.
would be - ( было бы ) . Это значение встречается со вторым и третьим лицами единственного и множественного числа.
may be - ( может быть ). Отрицательный ответ на с may, означающий запрещение.
probably - ( возможно ). probably – наречие, поэтому употребляются они с разными формами глагола.
might - ( может быть, пусть, можешь...). Это модальные глаголы, у которых есть множество интересных качеств . глаголы модальные, то после них используется инфинитив без частицы to.
may - Модальный глагол may (might) в значении разрешения и возможности чего-то может заменяться на can (could). Однако, may передает личное разрешение, принятое самим говорящим или другим лицом.