1. Who usually spends summer vacation in the village?
2. Do you usually spend your summer vacation in village?
3. What do I usually spend in the village?
4. Where do you usually spend your summer vacation?
5. I usually spend my summer vacation in village, don't I?
6. Do you spend your summer vacation in village or at the seaside?
7. What do I usually do in the village?
8. How often do I spend my summer vacation in the village?
9. Which vacation do I usually spend in the village?
10. Why do you usually spend your summer vacation in the village?
1. She was sent (taken) to the hospital two days ago.
2. We were sent to the laboratory yesterday
3. This composition was written last week
4. Facebook was borrowed from the library only yesterday
5. These three students were asked two days ago
6. Have you been examined this morning?
7. This mouse was caught at night
8. The telegram was sent late in the evening and he will receive it only in the morning
9. This article must be read by all group
10. This exercise must be written in a pencil