my favourite ukrainian tradition is celebration of ivan kupala day at night of 7 july. ceremonies conducted on this day, are associated with fire, grass and water: people set fires on the banks of rivers and jump over them, dance circle dances, swim, collect grass to weave wreaths and
sing songs. on ivan kupala witches, goblins and mermaids are particulary dangerous, so sleep in this night is impossible. one of the symbols of сelebration – ‘ivan-da-marya’ flower. according to ancient legend, the juice of this plant returns the ability to hear, and returns lost mind. collected on
kupala night flowers ivan-da-marya are put in the corners of rooms so that thieves could not get into the house. also, those who take part in the celebration of ivan kupala day, will find happiness and love!
khabarovsk is a city on the amur river in the russian far east, just 19 miles away from the chinese border. хабаровск – это город на реке амур на дальнем востоке, всего в тридцати километрах от границы с китаем.
it is the capital of khabarovsk krai and the far eastern federal
district. – он является столицей хабаровского края и дальневосточного федерального округа.
khabarovsk was founded in 1858. хабаровск был основан в 1858 году.
the city is named after explorer yerofey khabarov . – город назван в честь землепроходца ерофея хабарова.
the city’s
population is about 600 000 people. – население хабаровска приблизительно 600 000 человек.
it’s total area is 400 square kilometers. – его площадь 400 квадратных километров.
12.My best trip was in Turkey.